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现场过程审核之“性” Deviations Types from Process Audit

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Views: 303ISO 19011 定义审核为 “。。。为获得客观证据并对其进行客观的评价,以确定满足审核准则的程度所进行的系统的,独立的并形成文件的过程”,其次,不同的审核主要区别如下, 审核方式 审核对象 目的 体系审核 质量管理体系 对基本要求的完整及有效性进行评定 过程审核 批量生产 服务诞生过程/服务的实施 对产品/产品组及其过程的质量能力进行评定 产品审核 产品或服务 对产品的质量特性进行评定 对于体系审核,要评价质量管理体系的完整性和有效性相对容易,因为它对于审核员的技能更多要求的是逻辑和字面理解的功底,内审强调的是符合性,而管理评审强调的是有效性。过程审核是新版的IATF 16949中十分重视的内容,德国汽车工业甚至还有专门的VDA 6.3 来讲过程审核,其内容比IATF 16949 和ISO 9001-2015… Read More »现场过程审核之“性” Deviations Types from Process Audit



Audit cannot fix all 审核不是万能的

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The Commerce Department has urged one trading company to deliver the goods for several times, during which the trading company has provided many reasons for postponing the delivery time: the design had been changed; the environmental inspectors closed the upstream factories; they had holidays during Spring Festival, etc. As they have been hastened for several times, the sales representatives of the trading company had no alternatives but to provide a reason, or nonsense: the worker were on strike so that the goods could not be made. At this time, it is of no use threatening that they will be fined if they cannot offer goods. To solve the problem, the Commerce Department suggested that the supplier management department to examine it on the spot. The subtext is that the supplier management department was about to solve this problem. Of course, the audit was not conducted finally since the general manager considered that there is nothing for audit due to no production. The question is: what is the audit; what is the effect of audit; when will the audit take effect?

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