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Quality 质量

the certified manager of quality

The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence Handbook

作者: Westcott, Russell T. 编
(Please search for fourth version scanned copy in this site)

Basic Information 基本信息

出版社: ASQ Quality Press
副标题: Third edition, published on (December 31, 2005)
出版年: 2006-1
页数: 648
定价: $ 194.36
装帧: HRD
ISBN: 9780873896788

Basic Information 基本信息

supplier relationship management

Supplier Relationship Management: Unlocking the Hidden Value in Your Supply Base

by Jonathan O’Brien

Basic Information 基本信息

$ 70

Paperback: 424 pages

Publisher: Kogan Page (October 28, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0749468068

ISBN-13: 978-0749468064

Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.9 x 9.2 inches

Contents 内容

The supply base represents a wealth of opportunity that can bring significant value to an organization’s brand value, competitive position and future security.

This book discusses the process of Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) – a discipline used to strategically plan and manage interactions with suppliers. Jonathan O’Brien offers a practical and structured approach to understanding and implementing SRM. He explores how to get the most out of a supply base by identifying the most important suppliers, improving and measuring current relationships and what to do when a relationship changes.

Topics covered include: identifying the power of a supply base, comparing suppliers, Supplier Management (SM) versus SRM, measurement approaches, improvement processes, the role of category management, reducing risk, internal SRM strategies and the life of a supplier relationship.

About the Author

Jonathan O’Brien is CEO of Positive Purchasing Ltd., an international purchasing consulting firm and training provider.  He has worked all over the world helping global organizations increase their purchasing capabilities. He is also the author of Category Management in Purchasing and Negotiation for Purchasing Professionals (Kogan Page).

Supplier Relationship Management How

Supplier Relationship Management: How to Maximize Vendor Value and Opportunity 1st ed. Edition

by Stephen Easton (Author), Michael D. Hales (Author), Christian Schuh (Author), Michael F. Strohmer (Author), Alenka Triplat (Author), AT Kearney (Author)

Basic Information 基本信息

$ 35

Paperback: 192 pages

Publisher: Apress; 1st ed. edition (June 14, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1430262591

ISBN-13: 978-1430262596

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Contents 内容

There’s a new buzz phrase in the air: Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). Corporate executives know it’s necessary, but there’s only one problem. Nobody yet knows how to do it. Or they think it’s all about bashing your vendors over the head until they reduce the price another 4%. Supplier Relationship Management: How to Maximize Vendor Value and Opportunity changes all that.

Containing the best and most innovative advice from the operations and procurement experts at consultant AT Kearney, this book shows that SRM is at root a strategic discussion requiring cross-functional interaction and internal alignment at the highest levels. It requires an honest appraisal of the value that suppliers now bring to your firm, as well as their potential value. It then requires a frank and constructive business-to-business dialogue about how to improve the relationship. When this happens, a company reaps myriad benefits, ranging from new opportunity to added value to competitive advantage—and, quite likely, to overall (and sometimes substantial) cost reductions.

This book shows the most concrete methods you can use today to:

  • Identify value-adding opportunities in the supply chain
  • Work closely with suppliers to maximize the benefits
  • Work the “Critical Cluster” of suppliers, where the greatest opportunity for advantage lies
  • Review suppliers to encourage constant gains in quality and cost
  • Turn your SRM strategy into a major competitive advantage

Supplier Relationship Management introduces and explains the Supplier Interaction Model, a key tool that will help you get the most from your supplier relationships. It segments the supplier universe into nine categories, from those you want to run away from fast to those so good and so useful to your organization that it can make sense to invest in them directly. Numerous case studies show how to apply the principles to your situation.

Supplier Relationship Management burns off the fog that has surrounded the procurement process for far too long. It is the definitive guide for business executives who want to get the maximum benefits from suppliers and gain very real advantages over competitors.

About the Author

Stephen Easton leads the A.T. Kearney procurement team in the UK, and he is based in London. He joined A.T Kearney 14 years ago, focusing on working with clients to improve the effectiveness of their external procurement activity. He has supported a number of both private and public sector clients to achieve significant and sustained financial results. Stephen has an MBA from Cornell University and a first degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics from the University of Oxford. He lives in Surrey, southwest of London.

Certified Supplier Professional Handbook

The Certified Supplier Quality Professional Handbook

by Mark Allen Durivage (Author, Editor)

Basic Information 基本信息


Hardcover: 320 pages

Publisher: Quality Press (December 5, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0873899431

ISBN-13: 978-0873899437

Package Dimensions: 10.2 x 6.9 x 1 inches

Basic Information 基本信息

RMB 120

Hardcover: 320 pages

Publisher: Quality Press (5 December 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0873899431

ISBN-13: 978-0873899437

Package Dimensions: 25.9 x 17.5 x 2.5 cm

Contents 内容
The importance of a safe, reliable, cost-effective, high-quality, integral, and nimble supply chain cannot be overstated. Equally critical are the supply chain processes (e.g., strategic, procurement, quality assurance, technical, regulatory) that ensure these requirements are met. By extension, then, the supply chain professional is of paramount importance as a creator, driver, and full participant in these business-critical activities. ASQ s Certified Supplier Quality Professional (CSQP) certification provides valuable credentials to quality professionals in the growing field of supplier quality engineering. Due to globalization of the supply chain, supplier quality engineers are becoming more important in a broad spectrum of industries, including manufacturing and service industries.

The purpose of this handbook is to assist individuals taking the Certified Supplier Quality Professional examination and provide a reference for the practitioner. Throughout this handbook, several examples are provided based upon the collective experience and knowledge of the authors and editor. However, these examples are not explicitly specified in regulations, leaving decisions to the company, as well as the burden of justifying practices using sound scientific principles that provide the context of the rationale.

Mark Allen Durivage has worked as a practitioner, educator, and consultant. Durivage is Managing Principal Consultant at Quality Systems Compliance LLC. He received a B.A.S in Computer Aided Machining from Siena Heights University and a M.S. in Quality Management from Eastern Michigan University. Additionally, Durivage served an apprenticeship and is a journeyman mold maker. He is an American Society for Quality (ASQ) Fellow and holds several ASQ certifications including; CQM/OE, CRE, CQE, CQA, CHA, CBA, CPGP, and CSSBB. Durivage is an active member of the ASQ Toledo Section, ASQ Reliability Division, ASQ Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Division, and Customer-Supplier Division, holding several Section and Division leadership positions. Durivage and his family currently reside in Lambertville, Michigan. He was a contributing author and the editor of The Certified Pharmaceutical GMP Professional Handbook 2nd Ed (ASQ Quality Press) the author of Practical Engineering, Process, and Reliability Statistics (ASQ Quality Press), the author of Practical Attribute and Variable Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), (ASQ Quality Press), the author of Practical Design of Experiments (ASQ Quality Press), and co-author of Practical Process Validation (ASQ Quality Press).



周云 著

Basic Information 基本信息

Contents 内容
曾在世界500强企业任职,目前常年给众多知名企业作培训的成本管理专家周云,将自己几十年的从业和授课经验.浓缩提炼,本着“专业、系统、生动、务实”的精神,详细介绍了日本与欧美等世界级企业采购成本控制与供应商管理的思想精华。丰富翔实的案例,融会贯通的知识点,读完就可用。翻开本书,马上了解:采购系统与流程优化、常用的采购技术、采购中的质量改善、如何降低采购成本、采购中的库存控制、如何缩短采购周期、供应商关系策略、供应商的选择与认可、供应商的评估与激励、采购谈判技巧  周云,“生产与供应链管理”领域顶尖培训师与咨询顾问,AACTP(美国培训认证协会)认证讲师,经常受邀到清华大学为总裁班学员讲授生产运营管理课程。曾在可口可乐、嘉亮国际、环球食品、美晨集团等公司担任厂长及营运总监多年,先后赴中国香港、日本、澳洲与韩国接受培训并短期工作。曾与清华大学合作出版《采购成本控制与供应商管理》等4套培训DVD,其培训风格“专业、系统、生动、务实”,启迪智慧,引领潮流,深受好评。2005年为中国移动管理学院身定做“采购管理实务”课件包,2006年开始成为惠普(HP)中国供应商培训项目FISI首席技术顾问。同时兼任BSR“商务社会责任国际协会”中国供应商培训学院首席技术顾问,并曾赴纽约出任BSR-2008全球年会演讲嘉宾。

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