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Quality is NOT free 质量不免费

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In a organization there are many processes and activities which are inefficient and non-value added, and many people suffer from them, somebody complain for them, and only top management address them. One important reason is that those areas suck the profit of the company and lower down the competitiveness of the company. Eventually only the management is responsible for that. One good way to solve this is to change the debit to be asset.在一个组织里面有许多的流程和活动并不是高效或者增值的。有很多的人在忍受它们,有一些人在抱怨它们,然而仅有少数的管理层在强调它们。其中一个重要的原因是因为它们在吸食公司的利润,降低公司的竞争力,最后只有管理层对这些负责。因此一个好的办法是将这些“负债”变为“资产”。

Thanks for your visits – Country Codes

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Thanks for your visits and trust. As I wrote in the Author Introduction, WWW is an amazing space and there are already visitors from 64 countries hitting the pages since the foundation of site 2 weeks ago.

清晰的沟通-做好“表哥表姐”Clear Communication Starts from Avoiding Common Document Pitfalls

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与产品设计相似,如何清晰的表达在沟通中显得尤为重要。质量人员常用的工具是程序,文件,表格,公式,业务人员常用的是报价单,订单。见过报价单不写单位的,也亲身经历过购买单位写的不够清楚造成扯皮的。一付门合页,报价单位写1 set (一套),客户确认,下订单,走货,结果收到货就发现不对了,我要的是每包一对(1 pair),怎么变成了每包只有一只合页,数量整整少了一半。而且因为客户初期还觉得工厂的价格既然控制的这么有竞争力,那就多买一点吧。仅仅一个单词的差异,造成了一次重大投诉和纠纷。
Similar to product design, how to express clearly appears to be particularly important in communication. The common tools used by the quality personnel are procedures, documents, tables and formulas, while the ones that used by commercial personnel are quotations and orders. I have seen quotations without units, and have also experienced the wrangles caused by unclear purchase units. In one case, the unit on the quotation of one pair of door hinges was a set. After the customer confirmed it and made the order, it was shipped to customers. Unexpectedly, the customer found something wrong as soon as he received the product. He needed one pair per package, yet it turned out to have only one hinge placed in every pack—thus, it was only the half of the original order in terms of the quantity. Moreover, as the customer regarded the controlled price of the factory as so competitive, he bought more than ever. To sum up, only a difference in a word may give rise to a major complaint and dispute.

体弱勤运动,人穷多读书 More Sporting, More Reading

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Personally speaking, I am in favor of reading more books but less micro articles. A book is like a dinner while a micro article is like a fast food which evolves from blog to micro blog and from message to micro message, and now it’s trending to emoji, Bai Yansong, a well-known Chinese TV presenter, once noted that this was an era so indulged in speed that it let go of quality.  So read books more while the increase in book price is still below the inflation of overall prices.

Why Quality Assurance Agreement is Important 为什么质量保证协议很重要?

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Have you struggled to ask for a free replacement or premium delivery at supplier’s cost after receiving complaints from you customers? How long did you take to solve it eventually and how many times did you encounter the same situation per year? Would you like to buy any more from the same supplier or even the same region any more? Do you use Quality Assurance Agreement to protect yourselves?

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